Co-Founder and Managing Partner Harry Nelson was interviewed on Access Hollywood to discuss Lisa Marie Presley’s part in finding a solution to end the Opioid Crisis. Lisa Marie wrote the foreword of his latest book, The United States of Opioids: A Prescription for Liberating a Nation in Pain, detailing her journey to recovery.
On the program, Harry discussed Lisa Marie Presley’s willingness to open up about addiction and recovery. Lisa Marie wrote the foreword of The United States of Opioids to bring light to the social change that is needed and the high impact shame has on the opioid crisis.
From the foreword:
It is time for us to say goodbye to shame about addiction. We have to stop blaming and judging ourselves and the people around us. We need to do what we can, to use our resources and creativity to overcome this problem. That starts with sharing our stories. It is time that we do so and that we dedicate ourselves to doing what we can to prevent more people from dying, and to support the people around us who are living with addiction. Where do we go from here? Harry has written a powerful book that is a starting point. The United States of Opioids is a call to action with tangible steps that we can all take. Harry delivers insights into the challenges facing our health system—doctors, hospitals, and addiction treatment providers—and also offers steps that we can all take as parents and with everyone else in our lives. This message is essential and timely. I hope that you will join in the work of taking on the opioid crisis. The United States of Opioids: A Prescription for Liberating a Nation in Pain, 2019 Harry Nelson
The book is available now in print and digital download.
Posted on June 10, 2019
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Harry Nelson