LACBA Healthcare Law Section
Date: May 20, 2021
Webinar Time: 12:00- 1:00 PM
CLE: 1.0 Hrs. Gen. CLE Credit
Topic: COVID-19 Where Are We Today?
Program Description
The COVID-19 lockdowns in California and nationwide may be ending soon, but the pandemic has created ongoing, evolving legal concerns for health care providers, employers, schools, businesses, and individuals. This webinar will feature a roundtable of legal experts from health care, employment, and litigation practices who will address current legal questions such as:
- The pros and cons of mandatory vaccination, including legal issues around those who refuse to be vaccinated and vaccine passports.
- Ongoing screening testing and tracing by schools, employers, in sports venues, etc. and the legal, reimbursement, and related issues.
- Data sharing, privacy, and security issues associated with test administration, data dashboards, and Over the Counter tests.
- Ongoing and anticipated litigation, investigations, and reimbursement trends brought on or influenced by the pandemic and our response to it.
- Liability shields for health care providers and medical device manufacturers under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP)
- How the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program helps protect employees/individuals seriously injured by pandemic countermeasures
Leeann Habte, J.D. (Moderator), Partner, Best Best & Krieger
Jasmine Anderson, J.D., Constangy, Brooks, Smith & Prophete, LLP
Kate Tylee Herz, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Zachary Rothenberg, J.D., Nelson Hardiman LLP
Christine Johnson, J.D., Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Ofer Barlev, J.D., Citron & Deutsch, PC