Developing Business Through Relationships with Physicians and the Provision of Incidental Medical Services, the Do’s and Don’ts in This Area
Lee Arian, Esq
Supported by: Behavioral Health Association of Providers
Level of Instruction: Intermediate/Advanced
The participant will learn about the ethics, legal obligations, and industry best practices with regard to developing business through relationships with medical providers. Some may be surprised at the restrictions placed on these types of relationships at the federal and state level. But don’t let that deter you from relationship marketing: if done properly, the relationship can be beneficial for all parties involved, including the patient.
In this session we will be disscussing:
– Building business relationships with medical providers on ethical principles
– Legal principles and obligations surrounding business relationships with medical providers
– Federal restrictions pertaining to business relationships with medical providers
– State restrictions pertaining to business relationships with medical providers
– Best practices to build proper relationships with medical providers