Nelson Hardiman Sponsoring Beverly Hills Bar Association Membership MixerWhen you represent a provider of healthcare services in litigation, or the other side is a provider of healthcare services, there are certain issues that you should routinely be on the lookout for. Counsel with familiarity in key healthcare issues will have a significant edge in advocating for their client. Presented by three experienced healthcare litigators, this program will provide a useful “issue spotting” exercise, including how to litigate in compliance with the federal and state patient privacy laws; having familiarity with health insurance reimbursement; understanding when the provider’s relationship with the other party in litigation or key third party witnesses may be unlawful under anti-kickback laws and other laws governing healthcare fraud; familiarity with California’s unique set of medical staff and “peer review” laws; and other key issues that could be lurking just below the surface in any healthcare case. This program is ideal for the novice healthcare litigator or any civil litigator that may have cases involving healthcare providers.


Devin Senelick, a litigation partner at Hooper, Lundy & Bookman, P.C.
Zachary Rothenberg, a litigation partner at Nelson Hardiman LLP
John A. Mills, a litigation partner at Nelson Hardiman LLP

When: Wednesday, August 10, 2016, 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Where: Beverly Hills Bar Association (Directions, Parking at 241 No. Canon Drive)
$0 Members of The Order of Distinguished Attorneys 
– BHBA Members who pay in advance*
$225 – Non-BHBA Members who pay in advance*