The Beverly Hills Bar Association Presents the event: To Qui Tam or Not to Qui Tam: That is the Question. Identifying whether a client is a potential defendant or whistle-blower under the False Claims Act (FCA) is easier said than done, but the stakes for the client are huge. In 2015, the federal government recovered $3.5 billion under the False Claims Act, of which almost $2 billion came from healthcare providers. Whistle-blowers were paid $597 million.
Presented by David Harris, an Assistant United States Attorney and the Health Care Fraud Coordinator for the Civil Fraud Section of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles, and Mark Hardiman, a partner at Nelson Hardiman LLP with significant experience defending FCA cases, this program will explore the factors that can make or break a qui tam case from the government and defense perspectives.
When: Monday, June 6, 2016, 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm
Where: Beverly Hills Bar Association (Directions, Parking at 241 No. Canon Drive)
$0 – Members of The Order of Distinguished Attorneys
$25 – BHBA Members who pay in advance*
$225 – Non-BHBA Members who pay in advance*